IC analysis and package reliability testing

We offer not only system-level analysis, but also advanced component-level analysis. Using state-of-the-art tools, we assess individual components for reliability, originality, IP violations, and error analysis. Our security laboratory is certified according to Common Criteria – Evaluation Assurance Level 6 (CC-EAL6), enabling us to investigate security-relevant components. Through full-surface planar preparation of the IC's metal layers and subsequent chip scanning, we can conduct a GDSII conversion to check for IP violations and suspicion of malicious circuit manipulation.

Ansicht Velion
© Fraunhofer EMFT / Bernd Müller
View of the Raith Velion FIB-SEM with the front cover open

Package & chip level analysis services 


Analyses at component level

  • Failure and damage analysis using light-optical and X-ray inspection, metallographic microsection preparation and scanning electron microscope, as well as electrical measurement at IC level
  • State-of-the-art tools for analyzing individual components with regard to reliability, originality and IP violation
  • Security laboratory certified according to Common Criteria - Evaluation Assurance Level 6 (CC-EAL6) for the examination of security-relevant components
  • Full-surface planar preparation of individual metal layers of an IC with GDSII conversion and examination for IP violation or malignant manipulation
  • In-depth analysis of robustness and ESD investigations in cooperation with the electrical measurement technology expert group
Chip on sample holder for further processing in an SEM/FIB dual beam system
© Fraunhofer EMFT / Bernd Müller
Chip on sample holder for further processing in an SEM/FIB dual beam system
Cross-section through the layer structure of an IC
© Fraunhofer EMFT
Cross-section through the layer structure of an IC
Recording on a 7nm device with 4k x 4k pixel resolution
© Fraunhofer EMFT
Recording on a 7nm device with 4k x 4k pixel resolution

Services at component level

  • Electrical characterization of SMD components
  • Originality testing of IC and packages
  • IC technology analysis
  • De-packaging
  • De-processing of ICs: from the active side (de-layering) or rear side (chip thinning)
  • Full-surface scanning electron microscopy imaging of entire metallization layers and their preparation
  • Patent analysis

We offer in-depth analyses with regard to robustness and ESD tests in close cooperation with our expert group for electrical measurement technology.


Would you like to find out more about package & chip level analysis in practice?

Then get in touch with us!

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