Gas Sensor Technology

Demand for sensitive, stable and durable gas sensor technology is rising continuously - but sensors available on the market to date are generally unable to meet all three requirements in equal measure. Fraunhofer EMFT scientists are working on optimized solutions for chemical gas sensors, for example for CO2. One aim is to gain a better understanding of sensor properties in order to be able to select the most suitable sensors for specific applications. In addition, the team is working on the development of novel gas sensors that go beyond the current state of the art. Close cooperation with industrial partners enables fast transfer of new findings to the market.

Sensor system for gas detection
© Fraunhofer EMFT / Bernd Müller
Sensor system for gas detection

In their R&D activities, the researchers are focusing on various areas: Firstly, they are synthesizing novel materials, so-called hybrid organic-inorganic nanomaterials, which exhibit high sensitivity to specific gases, for example CO2. In order to comprehensively test the performance of commercial and self-developed sensors, the team has also set up a gas measuring station at Fraunhofer EMFT. In the measurement setup, the sensors are characterized under the influence of various gases (CO, CO2, H2S, acetone, ethanol, SO2, NOx). In the climatic gas chamber, a humidity of between 5% and 90% and temperatures of 0°C to 100°C can be set, and a mixture of up to three gases can be selected for this purpose. Using impedance spectroscopy, the researchers measure the electrical properties of the sensors in-situ under different humidity levels.

These competences in the area of gas sensor technology are available at Fraunhofer EMFT for your application topics. We look forward to hearing from you!

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