Microsensor & Microsystem Technology I Fraunhofer EMFT

Fraunhofer EMFT conducts cutting-edge applied research on sensors and actuators for people and the environment. The over hundred employees in the three locations in Munich, Oberpfaffenhofen and Regensburg possess impressive long-term experience and extensive know-how in the fields of microelectronics and microsystem technology. These nano- and microtechnologies are the basis for the other competence areas at Fraunhofer EMFT: sensor solutions, safe and secure electronics, and micropumps. The interdisciplinary interaction of these competencies enables the development of truly novel solutions, putting Fraunhofer EMFT in an ideal position for tackling the current challenges of our society.

Fraunhofer EMFT Building in Munich
© Fraunhofer EMFT / Bernd Müller
Fraunhofer EMFT Building in Munich

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