Project ULIMPIA: Flexible sensor patch with microelectronic components

"Smart patches" can already do more than just cover wounds: Equipped with appropriate sensor technology, they monitor body parameters such as temperature, moisture, pH, oxygen saturation and electrical potentials. But what goes on beneath the surface of the skin remains hidden from the sensor plasters available today. As part of the EU project ULIMPIA, researchers are developing a sensor patch that can also detect physical processes deep inside the body - such as measuring blood pressure or monitoring the bladder.

flexible sensor strip
© Fraunhofer EMFT/ Bernd Müller
Capacitive sensor for integration in wound dressings

In the EU project ULIMPIA, Fraunhofer EMFT is working with 17 partners from six countries on a sensor patch that can also detect physical processes deep inside the body - such as measuring blood pressure or monitoring the bladder. To this end, the researchers are combining cutting-edge MEMS ultra-sound technology with innovations in conformal patch technology. The aim is to create an open technology platform for diagnostic ultra sound patches.

Fraunhofer EMFT scientists are developing packaging technology for the integration of sensors and ultrasound actuators as part of the project. Among other things, the aim is to create a skin-friendly, flexible sensor patch with associated microelectronic components for data acquisition and transmission. The resulting platform will be accessible to a variety of users and will focus on the development of medical applications.

The project is funded under the PENTA program, grant number 16ES0815.



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