Velektronik - Platform for Trusted Electronics

For secure and reliable deployment of electronics, it is essential to be able to comprehend where it comes from, what it does and how it is built. Currently, some technical solutions for trusted electronics exist, but there is no consistent methodology for trustworthiness, adequately covering the whole value chain. 

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Velektronik - Platform for trusted electronics (Video in German)

This is the starting point of the research project  »Vertrauenswürdige Elektronik (ZEUS)« of the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF), started in March 2021. The vision is to establish a networking platform for trusted electronics as an interface between research and industry. For this aim, solutions and concepts are developed in all areas of electronics development, manufacturing and analysis. The Fraunhofer EMFT contributes to the project with its competences in the area of Test and Analysis.

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